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Stacey Logan was born in 1979 in Mildura, Victoria. Raised in Bendigo, she attended St Killians and Camp Hill Primary schools before beginning her senior education at Catholic College Bendigo.

Able to read before she even reached primary school, she began writing her own stories when she was seven years old. As a teenager, her tastes in music, movies, literature and sport were varied—reflected in the subjects she studied at school. Psychology, law, literature, drama, graphic design, health, human development, outdoor education, and a spattering of the sciences (biology and chemistry) formed the foundations of her higher learning, giving her a very wide base of general knowledge which shines through in her writing.

Falling ill, Stacey was unable to complete high school. Since the illness passed, her academic achievements include the completion of several writing courses, a professional proofreading and editing course and breezing through a tertiary admissions test while she briefly entertained the notion of returning to full time study.


For almost ten years, Stacey worked in hospitality and retail as she continued to write and hone her skills. In those years she travelled widely, through Australia, New Zealand, Europe, the United States and Canada, learning as much as she could about the history of the people and places she encountered.

Moving to Western Australia in 2004, Stacey continued to work in hospitality but after 2 years, she took a permanent break from the food service industry. Having taken horse riding lessons and martial arts classes off and on since 2004, in 2007 Stacey saw an ad in the local paper in for auditions for a community theatre production of Ben Elton’s WE WILL ROCK YOU. Knowing that she had always enjoyed performing—and was in desperate need of a challenge—she auditioned, securing herself a part in the dancing chorus.

In many ways theatre changed her life. She acted in many shows over the three years that followed, and even won an award for her portrayal of the embodiment of ‘Self-Esteem’ in the one act version of the psychological comedy: FROG SOUP (Written and Directed by Jenny M Ferguson). During her stint in theatre, she was constantly manipulating almost every story she had ever dreamed up, trying to turn them into stage plays. She quickly realized that, in order to tell her story, she would need to learn to direct.

The completion of her Directorship saw Stacey’s show DESTINY take to the stage. Received enthusiastically by her audience and her cast, she began to remodel another of her stories. With only four chapters of the novel written the book, called simply BOOTCAMP, rapidly took shape as a play. The script was completed within a month and after gathering a few friends for a reading, it became clear that BOOTCAMP—the post apocalyptic, military adventure inspired by a dream she’d had almost 10 years before—had already gained a small fan base amongst her peers.

At the end of 2010, Stacey began working on the novel. Surprised at how easy it was to convert the script into BOOTCAMP: DAUGHTER OF THE LAKOTA, she immediately began working on the prequel she had never even thought existed; BOOTCAMP: SHADOW OF HOPE. Within the span of one year and one day, Stacey had written all three of the books in the BOOTCAMP series, with the third and final novel; BOOTCAMP: HEART OF A NATION capping things off.

Stacey intends to keep writing and has many stories yet to come in a diverse range of genres including high fantasy, thriller, romance, historical fiction, and contemporary. Her latest work; THE DRAGONBONE LEGACY will consist of a collection of series, beginning with THE DOREAN LINE.

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